Thursday 2 April 2015

Simon Beck

Simon Beck is a great artist with some very unique work. Drawing in the snow with various skills to map out carefully the image he wants and create that image in the snow.

He can create different designs and plans to draw out in the snow. He's done wolves to snow flakes. Though geometry is a very common theme in his work.

He often picks beautiful landscapes to draw in, so that the surrounding area frames his work, on larger, flatter plains.

I love that he creates his art in the snow, with maps skills, a compass and snow shoes. It's amazing, using his foot steps to create one off pieces of art that might only last hours. Whilst these designs can take hours of long work - which he has to follow back on his path to return for a break or his bag.

This process and his carefulness allows home to create highly complex pieces of work that can span massive amounts of space.

The details can include shading and texture, not just line detail and accuracy.
While the shadows on the snow add more detail to the work as well.

Here is a recent article of his work he has shared himself on Facebook:

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