Thursday 7 March 2019

G . O : Mine Portfolio

Getting On : 

My Portfolio

I have been working on a portfolio  - for quite a long time, really about 2 years. Adding and playing with the portfolio waiting to publish until I was happy with the setup I had.

Wix site : Portfolio-Mine

Have a look - it's one reason I've been so quiet with facebook and twitter, as well as here. Alongside moving, etsy and having an actual job. Being a bridesmaid, sewing and re-organising my life several times over.  I've kept up sewing and plans though. I've made schedules I've not done to post and I've tried keeping to the easier routes for  posting as well. Nothings worked there. Just need a kick up the butt and keep at this.
The largest issue is just sitting here and typing, posting and sharing. I take photographs, I can plan everything, plan and create projects and keep going. I just don't share it all.

I'm hoping to keep going and create a business with this all, however small and keep going, despite my fears and doubts, so I can do exactly what I love.
