Wednesday, 13 May 2020

C . W : Patterns

Changing Wardrobes : 

Patterns : April 2016 & 5848

These two patterns, I'm going to compare are both comfy clothes which can be plain or as bright and quirky as anyone would like. While , the first (left) pattern is Prima's April 2016 culottes and (right is) Butterwick 5848 is a jumper/over top in two lengths, it could even been worn as a dress - they can both be worn as casual or even statement pieces for an outfit. I like the variety that could be involved with either pattern. 

These two patterns can be created with linen, silk and lace, surprisingly these are the most common fabrics that are comparable for the two patterns - lace is the only suggestion I'd likely consider. However silk would be amazing, but expensive. The culottes include suggestions for poly crepe and light weight wool. Some wool trousers lined would be nice and smart.
While cotton, cotton mix and jersey are options and mostly likely the options I'd pick for the jumper. These fabrics have a lot more pattern/colour options, I'd be interested in buying. I might not find it suits me after but I am trying to wear more of my makes, as I enjoy the fabrics and patterns. Combinations might not always work but this is considered before cutting any fabric, and if I want to make another I'll usually have a better idea what to do next. The chosen fabric  will greatly change the look and structure of any garment - silk will drape and flow more with ease than jersey, that's more weighty and wool will have even more body and depending on whats brought can be stiff and look more boxy for the culottes.

I'd likely make the culottes first - mainly as I am looking at sewing more trousers for myself and having fun with lace and wool as later attempts. Getting more confident with pockets and cuffing trousers. The butterwick 5848 jumper is not something I'd wear to enjoy but I can see the longer dress style could be fun, but I might not be investing the materials and time I'd need to make something I want.


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