Thursday, 11 June 2015

Leaving uni

It's been kind of weird. I'm at home/halls more at the moment and not doing a lot compared to having class and having things to stay on top of.
I'm not doing nothing, I wouldn't be able to stand it. I can be lazy but I can't go from being busy to nothing, ever. That's normal for me, I doing this more that's weird. Even with all the job searching and sorting my stuff. Its nice I can see my housemates every day for dinner, without missing them for three/four days. And see them any other time I want.

The weirdest thing is I don't feel like I've finished. I don't feel like I'm done with university, maybe because even if I am chasing employment and experience, I know I'll come back to an MA, or other studies. I do a lot of different crafts (-sewing, knitting, weaving, art, photography, print ) and I'll continue learning these for a very long time - I'll keep picking up more crafts to keep me busy and to build on any work I design.

It'd be nice to feel like I'm done and that I've completed something. Sure I always miss working, class, and my class mates over summer. But I usually feel like I've completed something.

Hopefully this will change soon with finding work, but I am keeping busy with my hobbies and I'm expanding my presence online. I have a few little projects to plan, and I have a little notebook to fill with them. Hopefully by the time its full I'll have a job x

That is very hopeful I know, but wish me luck.

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