Tuesday, 22 September 2015

C.W : Filling up my dress up box

I actually love dressing up, whether I'm in my 20s or younger or when I get older I think I will always love costumes.

Before August I was invited to a costume party and it took some time to set my heart to something as it was themed to something from your childhood. I picked Hades, but I didn't have the time to do something really fun like I had originally planned. I made a female version and bleached the ends of my hair to apply blue to it. However, I did a wardrobe costume with a dress, and added pieces or accessories  - so this isn't what I want to share. I want to share that I made a alternative costume, a unicorn outfit. I want to share this unicorn horn I made!

Made a lollipop stick, wadding, bright fleece, several sparkly or organza fabrics, ribbons and thread. The little  'gems' lying around were gonna be loose inside or glued to the outside, or just under the top layer of material. The ribbons allow the horn to be tied to the head or to a head band.

I am sorry I didn't take any photos of the construction. But I'll do my best to describe my process.

I started with the lollipop stick, and glued the wadding to it, just a basic cone shape to begin the shaping. This then needs to dry.

Then I used strips of wadding, I created the spiral shaping, stitching this into place, This is then layered on with two more layers, With less and less wadding nearer to the top, so the cone is heavier at the bottom.

The boldest, and sparkly fabric is then layered to cover it from the bottom to the top. This is then roughly stitched down in a spiral pattern, before layering the yellow fleece, in strips down the horn - not matching the spiral exactly. This is then stitched down, this time more neatly following the spiral again and the edges. More stitches are applied to add more colour - using pastel blue, yellow and pink threads. Just using seed stitches.

Now the bottoms is tidied up a little, bringing in the wadding and the fabrics that have already been applied, Create a rounded a base to work into more later. The next layer is the pink organza. This layer doesn't cover the entire horn, in one layer, it's a strip of fabric with the edges folded in, and spiraled till it covers the horn, this is then stitched down along the spiral and the bottom to tie the remaining down, cutting down on too much excess before folding the edges in.

To neaten the overall shape, stitch the spiral in, making sure stitches are even and neat. Then stitch down the folds and loose areas down.  With the horn complete I then added how the horn could attach to my head, for me this was ribbons, I could then tie this to my head, to a headband or a comb etc.
Whilst if some else had the option this might go for hair grip or clips. But I live this ribbon and if I did opt for a comb or something else, I could tie these to nice bows.

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